LENGTH: L.O.A.: 124 feet. L.O.D.:104 feet.
BEAM: 22 feet.
SPEED: 8 knots.
CREW: Captain, First mate, Engineer, 2 Sailors, Cook and Assistant, Cabin attendant and one naturalist guide.
EQUIPMENT: Two SCANIA main engines 185 HP each, two 40 KW generators 120V & 240V A/C 60 HZ and 12V & 24V D/C. Furuno radar, GPS, VHS & SSB radios. 2 tenders with outboard motors, 2 color TVs with video equipment and satellite telephone system.
Two 20 passengers' life rafts with all regulation safety equipment. Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB) Central smoke and fire detector systems, Overhead sprinklers, Fire system.