A Field Guide to the Birds of the Galapagos
    Harris, M.P., Collins, 1974. The best guide for birding on the Islands.


Flora of the Galapagos Islands
    Duncan, M., Wiggins, I., Standford University Press, 1971. By far the best and most     complete book about the plants of the Galapagos.


Galapagos - World's End
    Beebe, W., C.P. Putnam, 1924. A fascinating and easily readable book about the     famous expedition sponsored by the New York Zoological Society in 1923.


Galapagos, A Natural History Guide
    Jackson, M.H., The University of Calgary Press, 1990. Definitely the best introductory     book about the Galapagos.


Reef Fish Identification: Galapagos
    Humann, P., New word publications/Libri Mundi, and 1993. A serious guide for both     snorkels and divers.


The Galapagos Affair
     Theherne, J.E. Jonathan Cape. If you are interested on the mysterious stories of      Floreana, this is the book.


The Origin of Species
     Darwin, C., John Murray, 1859. Although not very easy to read, this book introduces      you into Darwin's concept of evolution.


The Voyage of Beagle
     Darwin, C., John Murray, 1845. The story of the voyage that changed the mind of the      young Darwin, with a section about the Galapagos.